Hail Hydra!

Much to my parents disdain, my fascination of skulls and it's representation has been with me since an early age. I have a sincere obsession with skull art, toys, tattoos, books and jewelry with my steady collection on a constant rapid growth.

Continuing on my venture of merging comic characters with tattoo influence into a series of paintings, it should come as no surprise that I would choose one of the most iconic villains...The Red Skull.

A branch off of my Captain America interpretation for Comics Gone Rogue, I revisited Marvels skeleton-esque bad guy and one of the leading members of HYDRA, Johann Schmidt a.k.a The True Red Skull.

Pursuing my love for skulls, villains, tattoos...I have decided to throw them all into one for my new version of the HYDRA symbol.

Scientific jokes (8)

In a lecture of physiology...
"Who can tell me how these cells communicate with one another?" asked the instructor, expecting someone to explain the phenomenon of neurotransmission.
After a few muffled whispers, one student finally spoke up. "With cellular phones?"

Functional groups (general ideas)

All substances have properties that impart specific physical and chemical characteristics. I'm talking about simple things like color, taste, smell, physical state, solubility, etc..
But how do these different features are explained at the molecular/atomic level? What makes a substance liquid at room temperature and other solid, for example? The answer involves the composition of molecules. But I'm not just talking about size, which, of course, is a very important parameter. I am also speaking about the presence of certain atoms, and the relative proportions of the atoms that constitute the molecule... Features such as smell, color or taste, are a direct consequence of the atomic composition of molecules. But other characteristics, for example, physical state, boiling point and melting point also relates to the composition, although in this case the relationship is more indirect.
In general, the characteristics of a substance depend on the presence of certain functional groups in it. But what are functional groups? Basically, they refer to atoms arranged in submolecular structures that alter the properties of substances. They determine the interactions established within the molecules and with neighboring molecules. Moreover, they are responsible for the reactivity of molecules. That is, a functional group always reacts the same way with another (for example, a carboxylic group always originates an ester when it reacts with an alcohol...), regardless of the remaining composition of the molecule where it is inserted. At the same time, it is the presence of functional groups that will make a molecule more or less reactive. Therefore, one can say that the functional groups determine the reactivity and the types of chemical reactions that molecules can suffer.
When it comes to functional groups, there is always some ambiguity about what can be considered  to belong or not to that class. Some authors argue that the functional groups must have at least one atom other than C or H (except for the phenyl group), while others include also groups such as methyl, ethyl, etc.
Soon I will start posting details about the main functional groups ...

Game about carbohydrates

Here it is a link to a quizz about carbohydrates:


Fixing up

Well I've been working on reworking one of my older pieces. She is still a little cartoony but I think I happier with her.

Animation on mitosis and meiosis

One more animation that compares mitosis and meiosis...


Tripple threat

Well were finally done the trip tic, I feel content with the results. A friend of mine pulled out my old version of her I attempted last year and lets just say I'm happy I'm in a more comfortable with my work.

Music about the fatty acids

This music is about the roles of fatty acids in our cells and is based in the song Halls of Montezuma.


Fatty Acids in Our Cells

From the fatty acids in our cells
To the lipids in our brains
We are made of biochemicals
Built in metabolic chains

Using glycolytic ATP
And electron energy
We can synthesize most everything
With the help of Delta G

A cell will tend to pump out sodium
But potassium it imports
It accomplishes this magic with
ATPase antiports

Our bilayer lipid membranes
Protect the cells' insides
Partly made of sphingolipids
We know as gangliosides

When it comes to regulation
The little cell has got it made
It phosphorylates a lot of things
With its own kinase cascade

Stimulated at a hormone site
Metabolic yang and yin
That's turned on by epinephrine
And turned off by insulin

Video about the Krebs cycle (3)

This video is different... it is a Legos's version of the Krebs cycle! :)

Animation on mitosis and meiosis

Here it goes a link to download an animation that compares mitosis and meiosis.


Krebs cycle (reactions) - part 2

Reaction 5: conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinate This reaction requires Mg2+. The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction, succinyl-CoA synthetase, breaks the thioester bond (S-CoA), releasing a large amount of energy that is used to phosphorylate GDP to GTP. It is another example of an energy coupling.

Reaction 6: oxidation of succinate to fumarate
Succinate is oxidized to fumarate, leading to the production of FADH2 from FAD. The reaction is catalyzed by succinate dehydrogenase, which is the only Krebs cycle enzyme that is not present in the matrix, but instead is strongly associated with the inner membrane of mitochondria.

Step 7: Hydration of fumarate to malate
This enzyme is highly stereo-specific, producing only the stereoisomer L-malate. The reaction is reversible in cellular conditions.

Step 8: oxidation of malate to oxaloacetate
This reaction produces a molecule of NADH from NAD+. At the intracellular conditions, the reaction is mainly driven in the opposite direction, but as the oxaloacetate is continuously removed (by the reaction of synthesis of citrate, by gluconeogenesis or by transamination to originate aspartate), the equilibrium is shifted in the forward direction. The oxaloacetate used in the first reaction of the Krebs cycle is then regenerated, so, theoretically, one molecule of oxaloacetate may be involved in the oxidation of an infinite number of molecules of acetyl-CoA (playing a kind of "catalytic" role) and, therefore, the oxaloacetate is present in cells at very low concentrations.
Main bibliographic sources:
- Quintas A, Freire AP, Halpern MJ, Bioquímica - Organização Molecular da Vida, Lidel
- Nelson DL, Cox MM, Lehninger - Principles of Biochemistry, WH Freeman Publishers

Biochemical curiosities (4)

The clothes pressing iron glides easily over your clothes if you put a little toothpaste on the bottom of the iron.

Game about chemistry

Here it goes a link to crosswords about chemical issues...

Have fun!


Music about fermentation

I like very much this music... :)
It is about fermentation and is based in the famous Oh Susannah!

Here it is the link to download it:

Oh, late last night I went to jog
when everything was still
I came upon a gravel road
a-windin’ up the hill
I don’t know why I did it but
I played a game with death
Ran up that hill in double time
And held in all my breath

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP

‘bout half way up I felt the burn
My hip down to my knee
if only I had stayed awake
In biochemistry
then I’d have had a warning, but
regrets were just too late
I stood in pain - my body was
reducing pyruvate!

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP
Well up came my professor who
was trailin’ close behind
he told me how fermenting was
a process most unkind
Oh ATP is energy
It’s keeping you alive
It’s mostly made by protons mov- ing
through the complex five

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP

In making ATP a pro- ton gradient is key
to ADP’s phosphoryla- tion, oxidatively
Electrons pass through complex four
And oxygen, you know
picks up four more electrons and

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP

I hope that you can clearly see
Exactly what I meant
That oxygen is needed for
The proton gra-di-ent
your muscles work in overdrive
And use up ATP
you might be breathin’ hard but lack sufficient energy
I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP

You’re in a heap o’ trouble and
this breath may be your last
if you can’t make some ATP
and NAD+ real fast
It’s lactate dehydrogenase
To save the day, you see
Turn pyruvate to lactate and
Produce more NAD+!

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP

The NAD+’s important,
Are You gettin’ all of this?
it gets fed back into the pathway
of glycolysis”
It hit my ear, it was so clear
and all made sense to me
Although I had no oxygen
I still made ATP

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP
For all he’d done I took my prof
to sit down for a drink
admitting that his lesson earlier
had made me think
I took a swig of ale
And grinning wide, I said with glee
Oh, fermentation hurts but all in all
It’s fine by me

I need some NAD+
my cells are lackin’ oxygen
But using ATP
makes double H2O


Video about the Krebs cycle (2)

Here it goes one more video about the Krebs cycle, this time in a karaoke version. :)

Scientific jokes (7)

Why do you should keep aboslute science in the laboratory?
To avoid that the reagents become unconcentrated.

Tattoo Gallery Show In Mexico

I am very excited to have been invited to be apart of the show "DEL TATUAJE A LA ILUSTRACION"- Illustrations of Tattoos in Mexico! The piece that I have entered into this fantastic tattoo homage is seen in my last blog entry, Prayer to Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe. I have a great love for Mexican art and have used this as an influence in my tattoo designs. This will be my first show in Mexico and hopefully not the last.

*Illustration by German Orozco

Animation about the PCR

Today I leave here a link to download a very nice animation about the PCR.


Krebs cycle (reactions) - part 1

Reaction 1: formation of citrate
This irreversible reaction is the 1st regulatory point of the Krebs cycle. It is a reaction in which an oxaloacetate molecule reacts with acetyl-CoA. In this process it is formed a very energetic intermediate (citroil-CoA) that rapidly converts into citrate. The molecule of CoA-SH liberated is recycled to participate in a new oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate (catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex).

Reaction 2: formation of isocitrate via cis-aconitate
This reaction occurs through the formation of an intermediate, cis-aconitate, obtained by dehydration of citrate. Thereafter, the cis-aconitate is hydrated, forming isocitrate. Thus, citrate and isocitrate are isomers. Despite that in cellular conditions the reaction produces only about 10% of isocitrate, the rapid consumption of this product in the following reaction shifts the equilibrium in the forward direction. The fluoroacetate is a toxic molecule because in physiological conditions it is transformed into fluoroacetil-CoA, which condenses with oxaloacetate to form fluorocitrate, that inhibits aconitase, causing accumulation of citrate.

Reaction 3: oxidation of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate and CO2This reaction is an example of an irreversible oxidative decarboxylation, and it is the 2nd regulatory point in the Krebs cycle. In fact, this reaction is a set of three different reactions:
1. Dehydrogenation of isocitrate, creating oxalosuccinate and producing NADH.
2. Binding of Mn2+ to the carbonyl group of oxalosuccinate, stabilizing the enol and promoting the release of CO2.
3. Hydrogenation, with the arrangement of the resonance hybrid.

Reaction 4: Oxidation of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA and CO2This reaction, like the previous one, is another example of an irreversible oxidative decarboxylation. It is the 3rd (and the last one!) regulatory point of the Krebs cycle. This reaction is virtually identical to the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, also leading to the formation of NADH. It is a very exergonic reaction due to the energy stored in the bond S-CoA.

Main bibliographic sources:
- Quintas A, Freire AP, Halpern MJ, Bioquímica - Organização Molecular da Vida, Lidel
- Nelson DL, Cox MM, Lehninger - Principles of Biochemistry, WH Freeman Publishers

Scientific t-shirts

Here it goes the link to a site that sells many scientific t-shirts. There are some funny ones... :)



Well I tried to contrast her up a bit. But basically I think the classic look worked the best. I just tweaked her So that hopefully she fits more with the collection.

Biochemical curiosities (3)

To make the lenses of the glasses to shine you can use vinegar. One drop in each lens is sufficient.

Prayer to Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe

Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe, Mystic Zombie Rose, who eats those that implore on to you in their hour of need. You that are Mother of the true Zombies, intercede before your son the grace I need to guard my brains, sweet hope among the bitterness of being eaten, warm blood and precious organs of final perseverance (ask for the desired axe, gun, or shovel and pray a Holy Zombie Mary.) Amen.

Brick Backdrop

Well I'm liking the coffee exchange brick backdrop. it really sets of the paintings. 7 are up at the exchange if you get a chance come out and check them out.

Music about enzymes

Here it goes a link to download another Metabolic Melody, this time about enzymes. It was base on the song Downtown.


Reactions alone
Energy peaks
Are what an enzyme defeats
In its catalysis

Transition state
Is what an enzyme does great
And you should all know this

Catalytic action won't run wild - don't get hysteric
Cells can throttle pathways with an enzyme allosteric

You know it's true

So when an effector fits
It will just rearrange
all the sub-u-nits
Inside an
Flipping from R to T
Slow catalytically
No change in Delta G
(Enzyme, enzyme)

You should relax
When seeking out the Vmax though
There are many steps

Lineweaver Burk
Can save a scientist work
With just two intercepts

Plotting all the data from kinetic exploration
Let's you match a line into a best fitting equation

Here's what you do

Both axes are inverted then
You can determine Vmax and
Establish Km for your ENZYMES!
Sterically holding tight
Substrates positioned right
Inside the active site
Enzymes (Enzymes, enzymes, enzymes)
Could starve your cells to the bone
Thank God we all produce

Units arrange
To make the chemicals change
Because you always use
Sometimes mechanisms run like they are at the races
Witness the Kcat of the carbonic anhydrases
How do they work?

Inside of the active site
It just grabs onto a substrate
and squeezes it tight
In an
V versus S
In an
All of this working for you
(Enzyme, enzyme)

Game about cholesterol

Pacman was one of the most successful games when computer games started to appear. Today I have found a biochemical adaptation of that game, namely, to cholesterol. :)


Tatuagens - DNA (5)

Animation on the degradation of glucose

Here it is a link to doawnload an animation about the degradation of glucose.


Polling the public

Well subject matter I have always followed what captivated me. But I'm opening it up to other people. To take a poll Which do you enjoy more the animals (cats, apes, frogs, wolfs,elephants, ,bears, horses or other,) , the people, sculptures, aquatics (under water), music icons, or art nouveau.

What would you prefer to see?