Art design celtic tattoos - Art design celtic tattoos

Art design celtic tattoos - Art design celtic tattoos

Art design celtic tattoos - Art design celtic tattoos
But, I have seen enough rock stars and professional athletes running around to know that body art tattoos are now acceptable by almost anyone (OK, so I won’t get a job in a bank with a tattoo running down my arm, but I can live with that!).
I decided to use my much-honed internet skills and searched for tattoo designs online. I came across Tattoomenow.com, which has a catalog of several thousand tattoos. They are separated into specific categories: religious, athletic, Asian, vine, barbed wire, etc. I was able to find one that I loved and I took my design down to the local tattoo parlor and made a commitment to being young again. I can’t lie to you and tell you it wasn’t painful. It was horrendous. The longest two hours of my life. I came out of it, though, with a nice piece of body art and a small piece of my youth recaptured.

Art design celtic tattoos - Art design celtic tattoos