Death Metal Tattoos: part 2

I wish I knew what this was, I really do. It looks like a totem pole of demons? With some kind of weird scarred-out blob in the middle. Is it a tribal-mutant batman logo? AND DO YOU SEE THE SCRATCHED UP FETUS ON HIS ELBOW? I mean really, how could you miss that? I don't even know what the stuff on his forearm is. If anyone can help decipher this, please let me know! I was staring at this guy for ages trying to figure it out.

I wish I knew what was on his back, too. You can see a bit of it poking out. I bet it's incredible.

Death Metal Tattoos: part 1

I went to the Maryland Deathfest this past weekend and OH BOY did I see so many amazing metal tattoos! One million distorted zombies! Ten thousand blurry black and white messes of somethingorother! A good handful of band logos! I have a LOT to share with you guys, but let me start with this gem (perhaps the best of the bunch):

THAT GIRL IS TRUE. EVIL. I love the fancy flourishes added to each word, it really rubs in the brutality of her tattoo.

Tune in soon for more!
66 Tattoo Canvases Wanted for Immortal Tattoos upcoming Event. If you think you can be part of it. Why wait? Just email me !!

Tattoos are charged at ONLY $50 per session. If the tattoo can be completed in one sitting, its still ONLY $50 !!

Minimum size of Tattoo must be of 15cm in height. But if you want to do something smaller and if you think its a good design, just let me know.

The canvases who are undergoing work progress by me CANNOT apply for this event.

If you are interested do email me :

Additional Info : 5 Females are needed for inking. Tattoos are done for free. U must be able to model for photo shoot. We don't want shy ladies. Do email me if you have any questions.

Thank u all for your time.

PS: This event is held in Singapore only.

Once upon an infernal time,
Existed a circus created by hell’s own grime
The circus bred freaks that thrived on pain,
Thereby giving it, its sordid name.

In the carnival of pain, lived a freak,
Whose daily pain made the guillotine seem meek.
Diamond fangs, the condemned called him,
The Grand Meister, of the Carnival of eternal Sin
And the pain he felt, he transferred to ink,
With which he marked bodies till raw and pink.

This blasphemy provoked higher beings,
Till even God deferred; and the Devil Intervened.
Black, angry and searing pains he felt,
Of kinds which make hardest stones melt,

Voices of those past inked, echoed painfully
Right through Diamond Fang’s head; throbbing violently.
The creature thought, for sure he’ll explode,
For minions of hell destroyed his abode.
Scorched his eyes, and flayed his body
Until his tainted soul was ripped all bloody.

Thus when he was about to break,
The visions cleared and a voice thus spake,
From its high throne of gory splendor,
Said the Devil with glistening evil ardor,

“You’ve breached the codes of heaven and hell,
For this torrid sin, repent you shall.
66 irredeemable sinners you must find,
And mark them with the ink of thine,
Then only will your soul mend,
And back to your Carnival, you may tend.

Break me this chain of human sacrifice,
And your soul can never survive
So go forth my insolent son,
your quest of 66 sinners has now begun".

Nicci Dragon

Work on done on Nicci Di !! Woooot !!

Fight Weekend

Fight weekend everybody was in town, and Jersey came out deep- Groovy Lou sent us this pic holding it down strong poolside.

Now THIS is what a zombie should look like!

I got a spur-of-the-moment zombie tattoo last week from Alex at Three Kings in Brooklyn. If you've seen my millions of bad zombie tattoo posts, you know that a good, gory zombie is hard to come by. And I got one!!!!

Because it was a TOTAL impulse tattoo (I just dropped by the shop to hang out and watch my friend Myles tattoo my friend Josh for a couple minutes and ended up getting tattooed myself!) I didn't know where the image was from. It was just something AWESOME that Alex had drawn up (he had a bunch of drawings for their Friday the 13th Zombie day that were too involved for the $40 zombie deal they had going). Turns out it is from this obscure comic that not one, but TWO of my friends knew about!

In other new tattoo news, I also got my other crow filled in. They're by Myles, also at Three Kings.

I'm so stoked on them! They look great.

I'll post some legitimately bad tattoos soon, I promise. I just wanted to share these awesome ones because I am so excited about them.