Animation about the interactions between water molecules
Here it goes the link to download an animation about the non-covalent bonds that exist between water molecules, that is, the hydrogen bonds.
A Spot of Hawaiian Ink on the New York City Subway
Earlier this week, I posted about my experience on Ink Master, getting a tribal tattoo that was inspired by my upbringing in Hawai'i. Do note that I have not referred to this as a Hawaiian tribal piece, which is a whole different thing altogether.
Just to illustrate, one of my "leftover" posts from 2011 is this tattoo:
This was a real treat for me, spotting an authentic Hawaiian tattoo, in New York City of all places.
Looking back to last June, I had just attended a networking event at Bowlmor Lanes in Times Square and was headed home to Brooklyn. On the 8th Avenue subway platform at 42nd Street, I spotted a bunch of folks with t-shirts bearing Hawaiian names. I got to chatting with them. Turns out they were affiliated with Na Keiki O Ka Mo'i, an outrigger canoe club from Wai'anae, Hawai'i, and they were in town to compete in the 2011 Liberty World Outrigger Competition.
I was shocked. Outrigger canoes in the East River? I've lived in New York for almost 15 years and never knew that this existed in the Big Apple!
There was a whole lot of local folks from Hawai'i on the platform, and when an express and local train pulled in simultaneously, chaos erupted as the visitors scattered into both downtown trains.
I sat down on an "A" train next to a handful of the group and struck up a conversation with a few people. I spoke with one guy, in particular, named Sam "Kamu" Kapoi. Go figure, the talk turned to tattoos and Sam stretched out his left leg to show me his ink.
Sam and I have kept in touch, so I was able to get some additional information on this piece.
Sam is a filmmaker and was accompanying the group as they competed in New York.
The art of Hawaiian tattoo has deep roots in the culture of the islands, and every aspect of a tattoo has personal meaning that is often held very privately by the tattooed individual. You just don't go up to someone with a Hawaiian tattoo and ask, "So what does it mean?"
The juxtaposition of this illustration compared to my own experience getting a tribal piece on a tattoo reality show is stark. Whereas I love my new tattoo, I in no way hold it in the same high regard as the traditional art of kakau in Hawai'i. I feel honored to have been lucky to come across an example, by chance, in New York.
A big mahalo nui loa to Sam for sharing his traditional Hawaiian ink with us here on Tattoosday.

Just to illustrate, one of my "leftover" posts from 2011 is this tattoo:
This was a real treat for me, spotting an authentic Hawaiian tattoo, in New York City of all places.
Looking back to last June, I had just attended a networking event at Bowlmor Lanes in Times Square and was headed home to Brooklyn. On the 8th Avenue subway platform at 42nd Street, I spotted a bunch of folks with t-shirts bearing Hawaiian names. I got to chatting with them. Turns out they were affiliated with Na Keiki O Ka Mo'i, an outrigger canoe club from Wai'anae, Hawai'i, and they were in town to compete in the 2011 Liberty World Outrigger Competition.
I was shocked. Outrigger canoes in the East River? I've lived in New York for almost 15 years and never knew that this existed in the Big Apple!
There was a whole lot of local folks from Hawai'i on the platform, and when an express and local train pulled in simultaneously, chaos erupted as the visitors scattered into both downtown trains.
I sat down on an "A" train next to a handful of the group and struck up a conversation with a few people. I spoke with one guy, in particular, named Sam "Kamu" Kapoi. Go figure, the talk turned to tattoos and Sam stretched out his left leg to show me his ink.
Sam and I have kept in touch, so I was able to get some additional information on this piece.
Sam is a filmmaker and was accompanying the group as they competed in New York.
The art of Hawaiian tattoo has deep roots in the culture of the islands, and every aspect of a tattoo has personal meaning that is often held very privately by the tattooed individual. You just don't go up to someone with a Hawaiian tattoo and ask, "So what does it mean?"
Sam said it himself in a message to me, "the tattoo itself ... is my family design, very sacred." He credited his artist as Keone Nunes, who specializes in traditional Hawaiian tattoos and uses the tapping method.
Here's a nice clip on YouTube with Mr. Nunes discussing the art of kakau:
The juxtaposition of this illustration compared to my own experience getting a tribal piece on a tattoo reality show is stark. Whereas I love my new tattoo, I in no way hold it in the same high regard as the traditional art of kakau in Hawai'i. I feel honored to have been lucky to come across an example, by chance, in New York.
A big mahalo nui loa to Sam for sharing his traditional Hawaiian ink with us here on Tattoosday.
This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Fashionable Tattoos

The evolution of the tattoo culture has allowed a new acceptance in advertising with a variety of products and models. The arrival of tattoos in the fashion industry have brought a new found edginess and sex appeal for the market. Fashion designers from all over the world have used tattoos to promote their clothing, underwear, perfume and shoes making tattoo art one of the most fashionable accessories.
Tattoosday Goes Tribal on Ink Master
What’s the hardest thing about being an ink-blogger and getting a tattoo on a televised competition show? Keeping my mouth shut for almost six months about the experience.
This is the tattoo that I received back in August in the course of my stint as a "human canvas" on the set of Spike TV's Ink Master.
What you didn't see on the show (if you watched last night) was the consulting session in which I sat down with the artist and hashed out the ideas and concepts that I wanted represented in this tribal piece that ultimately ended up on my left thigh.
The two main elements are the honu, or Hawaiian sea turtle, and the hibiscus, which is the state flower of Hawai'i. Having grown up in the Aloha State, I wanted something that represented my childhood home.
The end result far exceeded my expectations. I want to again thank Heather Sinn, my artist, for giving me an exceptional tattoo under less than ideal conditions.
I also want to share a little bit more about how I lucked into being tattooed by such a wonderfully talented artist.
The episode that aired last night was dubbed “Botched Head Tattoo” by the network. Fortunately, mine was not the botched head tattoo, although I have stayed in touch with the human canvas who chose to have his scalp inked and can say, with 100% confidence, the only thing botched about it was that it wasn’t completed in the five-hour time limit. The artist, Bili Vëgas, ultimately finished the piece at his shop in New York, and Ryan, who shared one of his other tattoos with us here on Tattoosday back in August, is very happy with the end result.
Back in July, I wrote here about Ink Master’s call for candidates looking for a cover-up. Shortly after posting the piece, I sent in my own idea for a tattoo for the show, thinking it was a long shot.
Within the hour, I got a response asking if I could come in and discuss the idea in person. Fortunately, I was off that day, and I went into Manhattan and met with production staff, discussing what I wanted in terms of a memorial piece for my step-father, who passed away in April 2010. This discussion also included a mention of my almost having been tattooed with a Hawaiian tribal memorial band.
Things moved quickly from there and after a series of phone calls, my original idea was scrapped and I was confirmed to be a human canvas on an episode dedicated to tribal tattoos. I am not generally a fan of tribal ink, but I thought that if I could get something with a Hawaiian influence, I would be cool with that. Having grown up in Honolulu, and with family still in the islands, it made sense to get something along those lines. I was concerned, however, whether whoever was tattooing me would approach the challenge with an understanding and respect for the culture of Hawai’i.
On the designated day, I met at the rendez-vous point with three other human canvases near Times Square to be transported to the set by shuttle. The studio was set up at an old church building in Newark. We were shown to a holding room with five other canvases and, as is typical in television production, we waited.
We didn’t know who the judges were until moments before being led to the set, which was quite impressive, as is evident on the show. I was initially happy to pick the skull with artist Heather Sinn’s name on it and, after our consult, during which I threw idea after idea at her about what would be ideal in the tattoo, I was excited to see what she would come up with overnight.
On the shuttle from Manhattan to the set the next day, we all chatted about our artists and talked about how we thought it would go. Ryan, who was about to have his head inked, was chowing down on a big bowl of red jell-o, a trick some tattoo artists recommend to minimize bleeding (the gelatin aids with blood coagulation). We were also still abuzz about the one canvas who was dismissed because of his psoriasis. The guy had been a veritable comedian in the holding room, and his absence was surprising.
After getting miked up and led to the set, we met with the artists in their work rooms and saw our designs for the first time. I was blown away by what Heather came up with, especially having looked at her online portfolio the night before, and noticed that she wasn’t an artist that did a lot of tribal work.
There was one glaring concern that I did have, however. Heather was not a happy camper. This was episode 2, so they had just started production, and one show was already in the tank. Mind you, they don’t wait a week between episodes, they are often shot in succession, and the hours are long and grueling, even to artists who spend hours on delicately maneuvering a vibrating machine doing meticulous work on a canvas that moves.
Heather did not hide this sentiment from me, the client, and I was concerned, especially since the challenge was rigorously timed, and had dropped from 6 hours to 5 hours after the initial cover-up challenge of episode 1.
She assured me that she was going to do her best under the not-so-ideal circumstances. I would direct readers to this interview that recently ran with Heather in the LA Weekly. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and does not back down from her feelings.
Heather told me she would not be very talkative when she was doing the initial line work as she was not accustomed to this type of tattoo. Fine by me. The cameras were around us constantly and Heather was very concerned that she would not have the time to finish the piece. She also expressed to me that she was not very fond of any of the judges. After seeing the flash challenge that preceded our meeting, I can see why.
When all was said and done, however, she powered through it and knocked it out with time to spare. The result left me with an awesome tattoo, and I have nothing but praise for her craftsmanship.
As for the show itself, so much footage went unused, including scenes in which the human canvases saw their tattoos for the first time in a full-length mirror, met with the judges, and did candid interviews with the producers.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.

This is the tattoo that I received back in August in the course of my stint as a "human canvas" on the set of Spike TV's Ink Master.
What you didn't see on the show (if you watched last night) was the consulting session in which I sat down with the artist and hashed out the ideas and concepts that I wanted represented in this tribal piece that ultimately ended up on my left thigh.
The two main elements are the honu, or Hawaiian sea turtle, and the hibiscus, which is the state flower of Hawai'i. Having grown up in the Aloha State, I wanted something that represented my childhood home.
The end result far exceeded my expectations. I want to again thank Heather Sinn, my artist, for giving me an exceptional tattoo under less than ideal conditions.
I also want to share a little bit more about how I lucked into being tattooed by such a wonderfully talented artist.
The episode that aired last night was dubbed “Botched Head Tattoo” by the network. Fortunately, mine was not the botched head tattoo, although I have stayed in touch with the human canvas who chose to have his scalp inked and can say, with 100% confidence, the only thing botched about it was that it wasn’t completed in the five-hour time limit. The artist, Bili Vëgas, ultimately finished the piece at his shop in New York, and Ryan, who shared one of his other tattoos with us here on Tattoosday back in August, is very happy with the end result.
![]() |
Photo Courtesy of Bili Vëgas @ |
Within the hour, I got a response asking if I could come in and discuss the idea in person. Fortunately, I was off that day, and I went into Manhattan and met with production staff, discussing what I wanted in terms of a memorial piece for my step-father, who passed away in April 2010. This discussion also included a mention of my almost having been tattooed with a Hawaiian tribal memorial band.
Things moved quickly from there and after a series of phone calls, my original idea was scrapped and I was confirmed to be a human canvas on an episode dedicated to tribal tattoos. I am not generally a fan of tribal ink, but I thought that if I could get something with a Hawaiian influence, I would be cool with that. Having grown up in Honolulu, and with family still in the islands, it made sense to get something along those lines. I was concerned, however, whether whoever was tattooing me would approach the challenge with an understanding and respect for the culture of Hawai’i.
On the designated day, I met at the rendez-vous point with three other human canvases near Times Square to be transported to the set by shuttle. The studio was set up at an old church building in Newark. We were shown to a holding room with five other canvases and, as is typical in television production, we waited.
We didn’t know who the judges were until moments before being led to the set, which was quite impressive, as is evident on the show. I was initially happy to pick the skull with artist Heather Sinn’s name on it and, after our consult, during which I threw idea after idea at her about what would be ideal in the tattoo, I was excited to see what she would come up with overnight.
On the shuttle from Manhattan to the set the next day, we all chatted about our artists and talked about how we thought it would go. Ryan, who was about to have his head inked, was chowing down on a big bowl of red jell-o, a trick some tattoo artists recommend to minimize bleeding (the gelatin aids with blood coagulation). We were also still abuzz about the one canvas who was dismissed because of his psoriasis. The guy had been a veritable comedian in the holding room, and his absence was surprising.
After getting miked up and led to the set, we met with the artists in their work rooms and saw our designs for the first time. I was blown away by what Heather came up with, especially having looked at her online portfolio the night before, and noticed that she wasn’t an artist that did a lot of tribal work.
There was one glaring concern that I did have, however. Heather was not a happy camper. This was episode 2, so they had just started production, and one show was already in the tank. Mind you, they don’t wait a week between episodes, they are often shot in succession, and the hours are long and grueling, even to artists who spend hours on delicately maneuvering a vibrating machine doing meticulous work on a canvas that moves.
Heather did not hide this sentiment from me, the client, and I was concerned, especially since the challenge was rigorously timed, and had dropped from 6 hours to 5 hours after the initial cover-up challenge of episode 1.
She assured me that she was going to do her best under the not-so-ideal circumstances. I would direct readers to this interview that recently ran with Heather in the LA Weekly. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and does not back down from her feelings.
Heather told me she would not be very talkative when she was doing the initial line work as she was not accustomed to this type of tattoo. Fine by me. The cameras were around us constantly and Heather was very concerned that she would not have the time to finish the piece. She also expressed to me that she was not very fond of any of the judges. After seeing the flash challenge that preceded our meeting, I can see why.
When all was said and done, however, she powered through it and knocked it out with time to spare. The result left me with an awesome tattoo, and I have nothing but praise for her craftsmanship.
As for the show itself, so much footage went unused, including scenes in which the human canvases saw their tattoos for the first time in a full-length mirror, met with the judges, and did candid interviews with the producers.
I can say that, despite all the tattoo flaws picked out by the judges in the show, none of the canvases on my episode were disappointed with the final result of their sessions with the Ink Master artists. And, as much as I would like to bemoan the massive amount of "canvas" footage on the cutting room floor, ultimately the artists were being judged on the quality of their work, not on the stories behind their clients' tattoos, or their feelings about the final product.
I think that this is one of the compelling aspects about Ink Master that makes the show so interesting from a technical standpoint. Sure, there's the reality show drama involving the artists' personalities, but the show seems committed, more than most of the other "reality" shows out there, to celebrating the tattoos for art's sake.
I'm not on any more episodes, but I'll keep watching.
This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Epoxide group
An epoxide is a functional group derived from the ether group. In fact, it is a cyclic ether, forming a ring with 3 members (2 carbons and 1 oxygen). The cyclic structure is an equilateral triangle and presents a high rigidity and structural tension.
In biochemistry, epoxides are important molecules in many metabolic processes, such as, for example, in the synthesis of cholesterol.
Game about biochemistry
Here it goes a link to a game about several biochemistry concepts.
Will Is Well-Armed for the Opera
Occasionally, one of my posts will fall through the cracks and I only discover it by chance.
For example, earlier this week I was passing through K-Mart in Penn Station when it struck me: the guy I had met several months earlier in there never ended up on the site! How did that happen? I'm still scratching my head over that one, because how could I forget this tattoo?
Will explained to me that he has the signatures of twenty-seven female opera singers that have, in some way, touched his life. The photo above is only a fragment of the whole array, which covers his left arm and runs down the side of his chest.
"I'm a big opera fan ...[it's] just a form of music and expression that has always meant a lot to me," Will told me. He explained how he had waited for two hours for a singer to emerge from a venue after a performance, but she never came out. That missed autograph opportunity gave him the idea to recreate the signatures of an array of great singers on his flesh.
Among the names visible in the photo above are Maria Callas and Grace Bumbry.
The signatures were inked by Dave Wallin at Eight of Swords Tattoo in Brooklyn.
Thanks to Will for sharing his operatic arm with us here on Tattoosday!
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement. 
For example, earlier this week I was passing through K-Mart in Penn Station when it struck me: the guy I had met several months earlier in there never ended up on the site! How did that happen? I'm still scratching my head over that one, because how could I forget this tattoo?
Will explained to me that he has the signatures of twenty-seven female opera singers that have, in some way, touched his life. The photo above is only a fragment of the whole array, which covers his left arm and runs down the side of his chest.
"I'm a big opera fan ...[it's] just a form of music and expression that has always meant a lot to me," Will told me. He explained how he had waited for two hours for a singer to emerge from a venue after a performance, but she never came out. That missed autograph opportunity gave him the idea to recreate the signatures of an array of great singers on his flesh.
Among the names visible in the photo above are Maria Callas and Grace Bumbry.
The signatures were inked by Dave Wallin at Eight of Swords Tattoo in Brooklyn.
Thanks to Will for sharing his operatic arm with us here on Tattoosday!
This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Animation about salt dissolution
Here it is the link to download an animation about the dissolution of salts into water.
"No Other Like It"

One of my favorite ways of combining art is the union of tattoos and comic characters. Kleenex had the same idea by presenting Little LuLu and a tattooed sailor in one of their advertisments. In the comic strip style ad, Little LuLu grabs an unattended tattoo machine and turns the unaware sailor into a permanent walking advertisement . Featuring a cute comic character and the playfulness of the tattooed product placement makes this ad very clever and charming. Now there is "No other like it" for both Kleenex and the tattooed sailor!
Ink Master Premieres Tonight!
Regular readers of Tattoosday may recall this post, last July, when I mentioned that a production company was looking for volunteers to get tattoos on a new reality tattoo competition series.
That was six months ago and the first installment of that project, Ink Master, is scheduled to debut tonight on Spike TV, at 10:00 PM (and 11:00) EST.
Unlike New York Ink, which seems to have evolved very quickly into a faux-drama in a tattoo shop that just happens to have great tattooers, the focus of this show is about creating body art in a reality-competition setting.
That’s not to say there won’t be interpersonal conflicts - even shows like Master Chef and Project Runway have their share of drama. But, I am optimistic that this series will not disappoint.
Check out the trailer below:
And here’s a bit of a tease ..... I know with 100% certainty that at least three of the volunteers on a couple of the episodes have appeared previously as subjects on Tattoosday. I’m looking forward to not only seeing who wins each week, but as USA Today put it, “who on earth decides to get inked as part of a reality competition?”
This won’t be the last you hear about Ink Master on Tattoosday. Trust me.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
That was six months ago and the first installment of that project, Ink Master, is scheduled to debut tonight on Spike TV, at 10:00 PM (and 11:00) EST.
I strongly encourage people to watch, as I’ve seen the line-up of artists competing, and know for a fact that they are a talented crew. 

Unlike New York Ink, which seems to have evolved very quickly into a faux-drama in a tattoo shop that just happens to have great tattooers, the focus of this show is about creating body art in a reality-competition setting.
That’s not to say there won’t be interpersonal conflicts - even shows like Master Chef and Project Runway have their share of drama. But, I am optimistic that this series will not disappoint.
Check out the trailer below:
SPIKE | ||||
Official Ink Master Series Trailer | |||| | ||||
And here’s a bit of a tease ..... I know with 100% certainty that at least three of the volunteers on a couple of the episodes have appeared previously as subjects on Tattoosday. I’m looking forward to not only seeing who wins each week, but as USA Today put it, “who on earth decides to get inked as part of a reality competition?”
This won’t be the last you hear about Ink Master on Tattoosday. Trust me.
This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Music about proteins
Here it is one more music from Dr. Kevin Ahern, this time about proteins. It was based on the Oh Little Town of Bethlehem.
Oh Little Protein Molecule
Instructor sings
Oh little protein molecule
You're lovely and serene
With twenty zwitterions like
Cysteine and alanine
Everyone sings
Your secondary structure
Has pitches and repeats
Arranged in alpha helices
And beta pleated sheets
Instructor sings
The Ramachandran plots are
Predictions made to try
To tell the structures you can have
For angles phi and psi
Everyone sings
And tertiary structure
Gives polypeptides zing
Because of magic that occurs
In protein fol-ding
Instructor sings
A folded enzyme's active
And starts to catalyze
When activators bind into
The allosteric sites
Everyone sings
Some other mechanisms
Control the enzyme rates
By regulating synthesis
And placement of phosphates
Instructor sings
And all the regulation
That's found inside of cells
Reminds the students learning it
Of pathways straight from hell
Everyone sings
So here's how to remember
The phosphate strategies
They turn the GPb's to a's
And GSa's to b's
Oh Little Protein Molecule
Instructor sings
Oh little protein molecule
You're lovely and serene
With twenty zwitterions like
Cysteine and alanine
Everyone sings
Your secondary structure
Has pitches and repeats
Arranged in alpha helices
And beta pleated sheets
Instructor sings
The Ramachandran plots are
Predictions made to try
To tell the structures you can have
For angles phi and psi
Everyone sings
And tertiary structure
Gives polypeptides zing
Because of magic that occurs
In protein fol-ding
Instructor sings
A folded enzyme's active
And starts to catalyze
When activators bind into
The allosteric sites
Everyone sings
Some other mechanisms
Control the enzyme rates
By regulating synthesis
And placement of phosphates
Instructor sings
And all the regulation
That's found inside of cells
Reminds the students learning it
Of pathways straight from hell
Everyone sings
So here's how to remember
The phosphate strategies
They turn the GPb's to a's
And GSa's to b's
Tattoosday Loves Friday the 13th!
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.....
My lovely bride is a Friday the 13th baby, so it's a lucky day for me, in general.
As for Tattoosday, my visit stats have already been robust since December, but this week they have shattered the records, with yesterday being the best ever. My sitemeter points out that folks are visiting our old Friday the 13th posts in droves this month, which is fine by me, but I thought I'd link them here for fun.
Our first Friday the 13th adventure was in 2009, on Melanie's birthday, as documented here.
And, in 2010, we got the readers involved, and started here, and documented my first (and so far, only) Friday the 13th tattoo here. And followed up with another one for Melanie here.
There was only one such day last year, back in May, and we missed it, but this year we're starting early and, I just realized, thanks to the Leap Year, there are two additional Friday the 13th observances in 2012!
We're planning on getting inked today at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn, and there are plenty of other options, as well, including Dare Devil in Manhattan and Three Kings in Williamsburg.
If you know anywhere else, in New York City and elsewhere, please post in the comments section so our readers can find a place to go.
Check back tomorrow or see when our Twitter page may light up for more details later today.
Have a safe and lucky 13th!
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
My lovely bride is a Friday the 13th baby, so it's a lucky day for me, in general.
As for Tattoosday, my visit stats have already been robust since December, but this week they have shattered the records, with yesterday being the best ever. My sitemeter points out that folks are visiting our old Friday the 13th posts in droves this month, which is fine by me, but I thought I'd link them here for fun.
Our first Friday the 13th adventure was in 2009, on Melanie's birthday, as documented here.
And, in 2010, we got the readers involved, and started here, and documented my first (and so far, only) Friday the 13th tattoo here. And followed up with another one for Melanie here.
There was only one such day last year, back in May, and we missed it, but this year we're starting early and, I just realized, thanks to the Leap Year, there are two additional Friday the 13th observances in 2012!
We're planning on getting inked today at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn, and there are plenty of other options, as well, including Dare Devil in Manhattan and Three Kings in Williamsburg.
If you know anywhere else, in New York City and elsewhere, please post in the comments section so our readers can find a place to go.
Check back tomorrow or see when our Twitter page may light up for more details later today.
Have a safe and lucky 13th!
This entry is ©2012 Tattoosday.
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Tattoo Trading Cards

These are 100% Original Hand Painted Ink on Paper. 2.5" x 3.5"
(smaller than a playing card)
~Comes with plastic sleeve.
~Price is available on request.
*Trading original tattoo art only with fellow tattoo artists.
Hurry before they are all gone! Several paintings are already being requested!
Please contact to trade your original tattoo art or interested in purchasing my original mini paintings.
Visit or follow me on Twitter!
Atomic music
Did you know that each atom produces music while suffers radioactive decay? What if suddenly we became atomic musicians, using the atoms as musical instruments? Believe it or not, there is actually people working on it. You can check the information in the following link:
If you want to try your skills as atomic musicion, you can do it here:
Resurrection of Chester the Owl
A little over a year ago I was asked to design a traditional owl tattoo. The owl above was one of two options that I drew. Eventually the other owl was chosen leaving this little bird behind. I kept him stored away in my folder of unfinished designs. While on the search for reference material, I came across my old friend and decided to finish him up offering this as a tattoo. The sketch is now complete and on it's way to being painted and hopefully inked.
"Kia Ora!" (Have a Coke!)

One of the largest companies using tattoos to advertise their product was the Coca~Cola Company. Known for their wholesome print ads, Coca~Cola wanted to take an edgy turn to bank on the marketable tattoo culture in the 1940's.
As depicted above, the Army Sergeant proudly shows off his large chest tattoo to the Maori native covered in traditional tribal tattoos while they both enjoy a cool bottle of Coke. The ad gives the viewer a glimpse into the exotic world of extensive tattoos. In those days tattoos were usually seen on men in the military or in the Circus Sideshows. Stories of "tattooed savages" have circulated since the turn of the century but were now being shown in a friendly light unifying the two worlds in the love for tattoos and Coca~Cola.
Thioester group
The thioester group, as its name indicates, is characterized by being derived from an ester group, in which the oxygen that is connected by a single bond to the carbon is replaced by a sulfur atom. Its chemical formula is COSR. Thioesters are obtained when a carboxylic acid reacts with a thiol.
Thioesters are very important in biochemistry, mostly as a consequence of the fact that the molecule coenzyme A (CoA) has a free thiol group which reacts with carboxylic groups to form thioesters. The best known example is the molecule of acetyl-CoA.
It is thought that thioesters may have been precursors of life, as advocated by de Duve in "Thioester World":
It is revealing that thioesters are obligatory intermediates in several key processes in which ATP is either used or regenerated. Thioesters are involved in the synthesis of all esters, including those found in complex lipids. They also participate in the synthesis of a number of other cellular components, including peptides, fatty acids, sterols, terpenes, porphyrins, and others. In addition, thioesters are formed as key intermediates in several particularly ancient processes that result in the assembly of ATP. In both these instances, the thioester is closer than ATP to the process that uses or yields energy. In other words, thioesters could have actually played the role of ATP in a "thioester world" initially devoid of ATP. Eventually, [these] thioesters could have served to usher in ATP through its ability to support the formation of bonds between phosphate groups.
It is revealing that thioesters are obligatory intermediates in several key processes in which ATP is either used or regenerated. Thioesters are involved in the synthesis of all esters, including those found in complex lipids. They also participate in the synthesis of a number of other cellular components, including peptides, fatty acids, sterols, terpenes, porphyrins, and others. In addition, thioesters are formed as key intermediates in several particularly ancient processes that result in the assembly of ATP. In both these instances, the thioester is closer than ATP to the process that uses or yields energy. In other words, thioesters could have actually played the role of ATP in a "thioester world" initially devoid of ATP. Eventually, [these] thioesters could have served to usher in ATP through its ability to support the formation of bonds between phosphate groups.
By the way, as a curiosity, if the oxygen from the ester group that is replaced by sulfur is the one of the double bond, the resulting functional group is called thionoester.
Tattoo History: Smoking Ink

Within the entire month of January I will be sharing a brief history dedicated to Tattoos in Advertising. Being a tattoo and makeup artist I have a professional relationship with this topic as I have worked in both fields from Dereon clothing to PlayStation games. I will be writing about tattoos throughout the history that have been used in ad campaigns to promote several products.
I was surprised to find out that up until the mid 1950's Marlboro used to be considered a woman's cigarette! Once sales began to fall the company decided to change the image of the typical female smoker to feature rugged tattooed men posing confidently smoking their Marlboro smokes. This was a huge success and changed the history of the company which I only knew of being a "manly" cigarette.
The tattoos were often painted onto the models and I find it interesting that in almost every ad the painted tattoos were always on the hand. Since the composition rarely differentiated from one style I assume this was the best place to feature the tattoo art next to the cigarette.
Check back soon for my next installment: Coca-Cola
I was surprised to find out that up until the mid 1950's Marlboro used to be considered a woman's cigarette! Once sales began to fall the company decided to change the image of the typical female smoker to feature rugged tattooed men posing confidently smoking their Marlboro smokes. This was a huge success and changed the history of the company which I only knew of being a "manly" cigarette.
The tattoos were often painted onto the models and I find it interesting that in almost every ad the painted tattoos were always on the hand. Since the composition rarely differentiated from one style I assume this was the best place to feature the tattoo art next to the cigarette.
Check back soon for my next installment: Coca-Cola
Peacock Done?
Well I've given her plenty of time. I think I can step away from her. Let hope she is well received.
The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Happy New Year! It's time to bring in 2012 with more art, tattoos, behind-the-scene photos and fun facts!
Throughout the new year, I will be promoting specials and free giveaways to both my new and loyal fans. This is the first giveaway for 2012!
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Famous sentence (7)
"A cell of a higher organism contains a thousand different substances, arranged in a complex system. This great organized system was not discovered by chemical or physical methods; they are inadequate to its refinement and delicacy and complexity." — Herbert Spencer Jennings
Game about organic chemistry
Here it is the link to a quizz about the nomenclature of organic molecules.
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