Game about acids and bases (2)

Here it is a link to a game about acids and bases, in a more physiological perspective.

Music about biochemistry

Here it goes one more Christmas song (Oh Christmas tree) that was used to make a different song, this time about Biochemistry.

Biochemistry Biochemistry
I wish that I were wiser
I feel I'm in way o'er my head
I need a new advisor

My courses really shouldn't be
Such metabolic misery
Biochemistry Biochemistry
I wish that I were wiser

Biochemistry Biochemistry
Reactions make me shiver
They're in my heart and in my lungs
They're even in my liver

I promise I would not complain
If I could store them in my brain
Biochemistry Biochemistry
I wish that I were wiser

Biochemistry Biochemistry
I'm truly in a panic
Your mechanisms murder me
I should have learned organic

For all I have to memorize
I ought to win the Nobel Prize.
Biochemistry Biochemistry
I wish that I were wiser

Tattoo - benzene

Amide group

The amide group is originated when a carboxyl group reacts with an amine group. It is characterized by the presence of a carbon bounded to an oxygen through a double bond and to a nitrogen via a single bond.
Indeed, though this is the most common representation, the amide group displays an electronic delocalization involving the oxygen, carbon and nitrogen atoms. That is, the bound between carbon and oxygen is partially double, and the same is valid for the bound between the carbon and the nitrogen. This causes the amide group to present a rigid conformation, where these three atoms define a plane.
The amide group can be located at the end of a molecule, in which case the nitrogen is connected to two hydrogens, or may be in an internal position, causing the nitrogen to be connected to a hydrogen and a second carbon, or two different carbons.
Despite having a nitrogen atom, the amide group does not have a significant alkaline behavior.
In biochemistry the amide group appears in a prominent position because it is the functional group that exists in the peptide bonds.
The amide groups can be identified by infrared spectroscopy (it shows a VCO band at about 1650 cm-1).

Final Touches

Well dead line is almost upon us. So Its do or die. I'm reasonably happy with my works, fortunately I think I can let them go. Hopefully there well received.

Game to kill aminoacids

This is my favourite biochemical game. You can download it with the link:

Famous sentence (5)

Support bacteria – it’s the only culture some people have!

Music about DNA

Is there anyone who does not know the music YMCA? Here it is a version of it about DNA... :)


Are in nucleotides
I say phosphates
Cover bases inside
I say phosphates
Span the 5 and 3 primes
There's no need - to - be - all - mixed - up

Carry info you see
I say bases
Are all complement'ry
I say bases
Like A,T,G and C
They have got - to - be – all - paired - up

It's fun to play with some
It's got a boatload of
It's got everything
A polymerase needs
When you melt all the A's and T's

It's fun to play with some
It's got a boatload of
You can make RNAs
With a po-ly-mer-ase
Just by pairing up U's with A's

Full of amino A's
I say proteins
Come from mRNAs
I say proteins
Require tRNAs
There is more – you - need - to – trans-late

Like our friend U-A-C
I say codons
Come in clusters of three
I say codons
Have one base wobble –ee
Now you can - go - forth - and - tran-slate

It's fun to play with some
It's got a boatload of
All those hydrogen Bs
And right-hand he-li-ces
Anti-par-a-llel fives and threes

It's fun to play with some
It's got a boatload of
All those hydrogen Bs
And right-hand he-li-ces
Anti-par-a-llel fives and threes

It's fun to play with some
It's got a boatload of
All those hydrogen Bs
And right-hand he-li-ces
Anti-par-a-llel fives and threes

Time keeps on ticking

Well I have done a little more work on Marley, Hendrix is pretty much done, and lauren hill is decent. Over all a good day.

Cartoon about cloning (5)

Ester group

The ester group is characterized by being an internal functional group, that is, it does not appear in the ends of the molecules. It presents two oxygen atoms bound to the same carbon atom, one through a double bound and the other one through a single one (R1-COO-R2). It is a neutral polar group, that is, it does not possess acid or basic properties. It can establish hydrogen bounds, acting as a H acceptor.

It is formed by the reaction of a carboxyl and a hydroxyl functional groups. Putting it in a simple way, it is the result of the substitution of the hydrogen atom of a carboxyl group by an organic portion.

It can be identified by infrared sepctroscopy (it presents a band between 1730-1750 cm-1).

Animation about southern blot

Here it goes the link to download an animation about southern blot.

Music about fermentation (2)

This is one more Christmas song (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) that turned out into a song about biochemistry, this time about fermentation.

The Alcohol Song
Cells go through fermentation
When they’re out of NAD
Substrate phosphorylation’s
How they make their ATP

Cells are efficient makers ( . . .of)
Energy on which to live
With no electron takers
They need an alternative

Oh glycolysis would stop
Without NAD
Isn’t fermentation great?
For reducing pyruvate!

And if you might be thinking
“Man this isn’t cool at all”
Ask yourself when you’re drinking
“Where do we get alcohol?”

Video about functional groups (3)

Famous sentence (4)

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.

Amino group

The amine group is characterized by the presence of a nitrogen atom with a pair of non-bonding electrons. It is derived from ammonia, where one or more hydrogens have been replaced by other atoms.
The amines can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. The primaries are those in which only one of three hydrogen atoms of ammonia was replaced by an alkyl chain. The secondary amines have two alkyl chains and the tertiary have three. The secondary and tertiary amines may be presented in a linear or cyclic form.

The amines may be designated in different ways. Typically, it is used the prefix amino-("aminoacid", for example) or the suffix-amine ("glucosamine," for example). When there is a substitution in the amino group, it is named starting with the prefix N-.
The amines can establish hydrogen bonds, since they have one H atom attached to a very electronegative atom (N in this case).
The amines act as weak bases, as they can capture a H+, due to the existence of a pair of non-bonding electrons in the nitrogen atom. They are the most relevant alkaline functional group in biochemistry.

Blue Ganesha

Very often custom tattoos are needed in film and television to complete the look for an actors character. I received a request to design a few tattoo designs for a very special episode of Nurse Jackie in the new season airing March 2012. Utilizing a new technique that I recently learned, I completed the process of the sketch to my first all blue mono-toned painting. The designs are then turned into a professional tattoo transfer to recreate the look of an authentic tattoo. Stay tuned for more details about the tattoos on Nurse Jackie!

Music about hemoglobin

Christmas is becoming near and a well known Christmas song (Santa Claus is Coming to Town) was adapted to describe the way hemoglobin works.
Hemoglobin's Moving Around
Oh isn't it great
What proteins can do
Especially ones that bind to O
Hemoglobin's moving around

Inside of the lungs
It picks up the bait
And changes itself from T to R state
Hemoglobin's moving around

The proto-porphyrin system
Its iron makes such a scene
Arising when an O binds
Pulling up on histidine

The binding occurs
Thanks to changes qua-ter-nar-y
Hemoglobin's moving around

It exits the lungs
Engorged with O
In search of a working body tissue
Hemoglobin's moving around

The proton concentration
Is high and has a role
Between the alpha betas
It finds imidazole

To empty their loads
The globins decree
"We need to bind 2,3BPG"
Hemoglobin's moving around

The stage is thus set
For grabbing a few
Cellular dumps of CO
Hemoglobin's moving around

And then inside the lungs it
Discovers ox-y-gen
And dumps the CO off
To start all o'er agin

So see how this works
You better expect
To have to describe the Bohr effect
Hemoglobin's moving around