Hail Hydra!

Much to my parents disdain, my fascination of skulls and it's representation has been with me since an early age. I have a sincere obsession with skull art, toys, tattoos, books and jewelry with my steady collection on a constant rapid growth.
Continuing on my venture of merging comic characters with tattoo influence into a series of paintings, it should come as no surprise that I would choose one of the most iconic villains...The Red Skull.
A branch off of my Captain America interpretation for Comics Gone Rogue, I revisited Marvels skeleton-esque bad guy and one of the leading members of HYDRA, Johann Schmidt a.k.a The True Red Skull.
Pursuing my love for skulls, villains, tattoos...I have decided to throw them all into one for my new version of the HYDRA symbol.
Scientific jokes (8)
Functional groups (general ideas)
Game about carbohydrates
Fixing up

Well I've been working on reworking one of my older pieces. She is still a little cartoony but I think I happier with her.
Tripple threat

Music about the fatty acids
Video about the Krebs cycle (3)
Animation on mitosis and meiosis
Krebs cycle (reactions) - part 2
Step 7: Hydration of fumarate to malate
This enzyme is highly stereo-specific, producing only the stereoisomer L-malate. The reaction is reversible in cellular conditions.
This reaction produces a molecule of NADH from NAD+. At the intracellular conditions, the reaction is mainly driven in the opposite direction, but as the oxaloacetate is continuously removed (by the reaction of synthesis of citrate, by gluconeogenesis or by transamination to originate aspartate), the equilibrium is shifted in the forward direction. The oxaloacetate used in the first reaction of the Krebs cycle is then regenerated, so, theoretically, one molecule of oxaloacetate may be involved in the oxidation of an infinite number of molecules of acetyl-CoA (playing a kind of "catalytic" role) and, therefore, the oxaloacetate is present in cells at very low concentrations.
Biochemical curiosities (4)
Game about chemistry
Have fun!
Music about fermentation
It is about fermentation and is based in the famous Oh Susannah!
Here it is the link to download it:
Video about the Krebs cycle (2)
Scientific jokes (7)
To avoid that the reagents become unconcentrated.
Tattoo Gallery Show In Mexico

I am very excited to have been invited to be apart of the show "DEL TATUAJE A LA ILUSTRACION"- Illustrations of Tattoos in Mexico! The piece that I have entered into this fantastic tattoo homage is seen in my last blog entry, Prayer to Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe. I have a great love for Mexican art and have used this as an influence in my tattoo designs. This will be my first show in Mexico and hopefully not the last.
*Illustration by German Orozco
Animation about the PCR
Krebs cycle (reactions) - part 1
This irreversible reaction is the 1st regulatory point of the Krebs cycle. It is a reaction in which an oxaloacetate molecule reacts with acetyl-CoA. In this process it is formed a very energetic intermediate (citroil-CoA) that rapidly converts into citrate. The molecule of CoA-SH liberated is recycled to participate in a new oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate (catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex).
1. Dehydrogenation of isocitrate, creating oxalosuccinate and producing NADH.
2. Binding of Mn2+ to the carbonyl group of oxalosuccinate, stabilizing the enol and promoting the release of CO2.
3. Hydrogenation, with the arrangement of the resonance hybrid.
Main bibliographic sources:
Scientific t-shirts

Well I tried to contrast her up a bit. But basically I think the classic look worked the best. I just tweaked her So that hopefully she fits more with the collection.
Biochemical curiosities (3)
Prayer to Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe

Our Zombie Lady of Guadalupe, Mystic Zombie Rose, who eats those that implore on to you in their hour of need. You that are Mother of the true Zombies, intercede before your son the grace I need to guard my brains, sweet hope among the bitterness of being eaten, warm blood and precious organs of final perseverance (ask for the desired axe, gun, or shovel and pray a Holy Zombie Mary.) Amen.
Brick Backdrop

Well I'm liking the coffee exchange brick backdrop. it really sets of the paintings. 7 are up at the exchange if you get a chance come out and check them out.
Music about enzymes
Game about cholesterol
Animation on the degradation of glucose
Polling the public
Well subject matter I have always followed what captivated me. But I'm opening it up to other people. To take a poll Which do you enjoy more the animals (cats, apes, frogs, wolfs,elephants, ,bears, horses or other,) , the people, sculptures, aquatics (under water), music icons, or art nouveau.
What would you prefer to see?