New Sketches (stare and thoughtful)

Koala - Inconspicuous
The koala was an experiment too see how far I could take the painting and still keep it balanced with the use of negative space. The emotional connection is one of mischief. You are not sure what the koala is thinking exactly but you can certainly see it is plotting something.
Sometimes what we don't see is just as inviting and more provoking!
Grizzly - Dauntless
The grizzly is my favourite because of the amount of work that went into the painting. There were many times where this painting just wasn't where it needed to be. It took a great deal longer to get it to a place where I could let go. What I like about this piece is the flow of colour and the hair. The boundless of the penetrating stare is counter- balanced by the curved motion of the water, which also aids in its unification.
Turtle - Serenity
The turtle is larger in scope. I was going for a serene moment. To me most aquatic scenes evoke a sense of weightlessness as well as freedom. The cool colours help to convey depth and the focal point is rich with detail. The colours and size of the main subject demand one's attention in sharp contrast to its rich surroundings.
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Cool Tattoo Designs For Women
It's not easy to pick a tattoo, especially if you're looking for a meaningful and original design. Plus, it needs to be beautiful. Cool tattoo designs are available for women who want all of the above qualities. It's important to know that you can't pick a tatt on a whim or with a brief browse. Then you'll end up with one you hate later or it's like everyone else's. You don't want to spend the money and energy and end up with the same design as your neighbor across the street.
This is why many women are looking for their tatt designs on online galleries where categories are broken up for easy access. Some websites even have professional tattoo artists creating tattoos and new ones are added often. This makes it easier to find a tattoo that's unique, original and high quality.
Lately some of the cool tattoo designs women are leaning towards are ones with anime tatts, traditional American tattoos, Japanese tattoos, Indian/hindu tatts, and the extremely popular fairy and floral designs. Knowing this, then look in these categories first and see if anything catches your eye. You are looking for something that you will like for a long time. Then consider where you want it on your body and think about how big you want the size of the tattoo. If it's too small, the colors will blur together, and it will be hard to see.
* A cool design is one that's popular right now.
* It's made by a professional.
* Very few people have it, because it was recently added to the gallery.
* You don't like tatts that much.
* The colors blurred because the tattoo was small.
Cool tattoo designs are really about what you want and what is significant to you.
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