More stick-n-poke radness

Do you remember the post I did about the young man with the butterflies on his feet and the ridiculous home tattoos? Well, he showed me some photos of his friend's tattoos. And boy, are they ridiculous!

First up- booyah! arm!

This poor person has "booyah!" on their arm not once, but at least SEVEN TIMES! I can also see a pterodactyl, a ghost, and "USA GOES UNDEFEATED".

I wish I knew the story behind this one. "Saves Latin"??? ... maybe I don't really want to know.

And this. What is this? An alien-insect with patriotic wings riding a scooter with hello kitty with a mustache in the back? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?

Seriously, the more I see tattoos like this, the more I shake my head and start to wonder if they are really works of genius instead of being the worst tattoos in the world.

Tattoo of the month: Richie

You can find Richie at our Rochelle Park studio

Come by our Rochelle Park studio off of Rt. 17 South, and make an appointment with any of our artists!

Graffiti girl Solveig Barlow hailed as 'the new Banksy'

A 10-year-old girl has taken the graffiti art world by storm with a series of spectacular creations ... but don't compare her to famous graffiti artist Banksy.

Primary school student Solveig Barlow has been described as as “the young Picasso of street art”, and compared to satirical street artist Banksy, whose work sells for up to $896,266.

Solveig has created more than 20 legal works on walls around Brighton, Sussex, and has earned a legion of fans along the way.

She started painting at age eight and is now regularly seen meticulously spray-painting walls on a patch of wastleland near her home.

But Sloveig has pleaded for people to stop comparing her to famous graffiti artist Banksy, saying their creations are very different.

“I don't like being compared to Banksy because what we do is different. I do graffiti and he does stencils,” she said. “It's not the same thing.”

Solveig isn’t the only person annoyed over comparisons with Bansky, whose murals have made him a cult figure in the art world and whose customers include Christina Aguilera, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Many bloggers have criticised comparisons of Solveig’s work with Banksy’s.

“She's great and definitely has a very particular style and talent, (kinda relax panda-esque) but this is nothing like Banksy's work,” one commenter said.

Sloveig said she had been overwhelmed by the public’s response to her work.

“I never set out to become known - it just happened,” she said.

Her aim is to create graffiti works that stand out from the crowd.

“I love to make pieces that are as crazy as I can make them. I have no plans to stop so watch out for me.”

Cats with no ears

I just took in two of the cutest cats ever, and so I have had cats on the brain lately. Because of this, I thought I'd do some searching for bad cat tattoos. I am SURE there are worse ones out here, but this is what I found- three cat tattoos without any ears. Why would you ever draw a cat without ears? It just makes them look like weird aliens!

This looks like a Lisa Frank drawing without the pizazz.

This is the most half-assed tattoo I have possibly ever seen. Why are the eyes sideways? Why are the whiskers blue? Where are the ears? So many unanswered questions!

This is a mix of the lady's five cats and some human (the right eye). Why the human has a lazy eye, I don't know. I also think the cat is actually the bark of a tree.

And finally, while not technically terrible, this butterfly-cat holding a flower and inexplicably wearing pants makes me laugh.

T-Shirt Designs - Photo Shoot

Model - Katy Gandy
Photos - Scott McCool

A PSA against home tattooing

I've posted some awesomely ridiculously terrible and rad stick-n-poke tattoos here in the past, and I will again. I have a soft spot for bad tattoos that friends do to each other. This one, however, is pretty inexcusable, and shows how home tattooing is generally a really really really really bad idea.

ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. This makes me hurt all over just looking at it. So scratchy!!!! I can't even imagine what it must look like healed. I think my favorite part is that he only has one eyeball.

More Zombies

Please excuse me for posting about my own tattoos so much this week, but I can't help myself! I'll post some legitimately terrible tattoos soon, don't worry!

You guys should all know by now that I am fascinated by flash tattoos and tattoos that come from the same drawing but look different. The tattoo I got on Friday was part of a Friday the 13th special, where you could get any flash zombie on a sheet for $40. I chose the classic coming-out-of-the-grave-zombie, and it turns out three of my friends went for the same thing. One of my friends and I got sxe zombies, my other two friends got the zombie as he was on the sheet. Here are all four zombies for comparison (done by three different artists, see if you can spot the two that were done by the same person).


I just got my thighs done. These are beyond awesome. Only the linework is done so far, but I'll get them finished next month. Done by the ever-awesome Myles Karr at Saved in Brooklyn, NY.

the placement is great

sxe god free zombie

So I finally did it. I finally got brainwashed by my bad tattoo blog and got a bad tattoo. AND I LOVE IT!

He is a straight edge god free zombie, in honor of Friday the 13th. I love him because he's just like all the rad old metal zombies that I looooooove and simultaneously make fun of on here. Done by Alex at Three Kings in Brooklyn, NY (who is an amazing tattoo artist, please do not for one second think that I am saying his work is bad!).

When I go Loco ... !!

Alot of people ask me, why am I always so serious ? Some even tell me that I look scary !! Hahaha !! Well, I can be serious when I want to be and I can go Loco when I want to be....

So, here we go... This is "Hallucinating Elevators"..... Am sorry SARAH !! I had to do this !!

When Pain turns to someone else's Pleasure....

Pain is Temporary...Maybe?

I love this shot...So much emotions

And... I went LOCO !!

Shake on that, Sarah !!

The Session was over for that night, but not MINE !!

Gimme the Pussy !! Hahaha !!

I know I look like a Faggot !! So, What? Gonna bite me?

There are many pictures taken that night which are kinda too explicit for viewers. That explains why I am not even wearing my shirt.... So, we can go LOCO !! Beautiful Night it was.