I am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).
I was interviewed regarding issues about Tattoos being Taboo in Singapore.
Check it out !!
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore brings to you SAVE THE SWASTIKA - Campaign ( In regards to ManWoman and http://www.Swastika-Freakshop.de/ )
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - is the first in Singapore to follow out the campaign in order to protect and reclaim history behind the SWASTIKA !!
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be working closely with ManWoman, who has been on 40 year mission in protecting and reclaiming the innocence of the Swastika.
Our aim is to detoxify the Swastika and preserve the History. Hitler did not create the Swastika - HE STOLE IT !!
Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - will be doing free Swastika tattoos to the first 13 customers every month, to spread the word and to change the mindset of the millions who still regard the Swastika as a EVIL symbol.
I thank ManWoman in lending me a hand and for the support. And I ask the thousands of viewers who come to this blog for the support !!
Love ya all !!
Check out more on http://www.freewebs.com/manwomans/savetheswastika.htm
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